Miniature Fetish Figure ‘Nkisi’

Songye, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Early 20th century

Wood, Ritual Pigments

8.5cm Tall


Greg Nacozy

Mark Isaacson

Miniature statues are made all around Africa, but nowhere produced quite the quantity and variety as the Congo. The Songye - like many groups of the region - produce these fetish figures in a range of sizes, from tiny handheld idols to meter-tall community guardians. This tiny example is no larger than a cigarette lighter, and is rather unique among Songye miniatures of such small size for having both arms and legs defined rather than integrated trunctually. ‘Nkisi’ figures of this size were likely used by a diviner as part of a set or attached to a larger figure to enhance its power. The example here depicts an androgynous figure with hands clasped to the belly and legs slightly crouching, supported by large feet overlapping a circular base.


Kongo Colonial Figure


Makonde or Mwera Mask